Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Cakefriends is a cafe/pastry shop close to Bellevue and Niederdorfstr in Zurich.

We've already been to this place multiple times and finally decide to share our opinions about it.

Cakefriends is decorated nicely, mostly in white, with newish style cool furtinure. The environment is quite cosy, you really feel comfortable there. There are around 20 seats. They also do take away.

 The menu books go into a pocket inside the table 

This morning, we were there again for breakfast. First we had croissants with butter(floralp brand) and raspberry jam. The jam and butter were nice, the croissant as well. The croissants were not warm today but if you get lucky and get them when still warm (like we did couple of weeks ago), try not to eat your fingers with it. After the croissants, we had some caramel/walnut cake. The cake was not bad either. It comes in two pieces and with some chocolate cream which complements the cake nicely. The cake was baked nicely, it was not dry and it still had that slight humid consistence which I really like in my cake. We had some tea along with our food, the tea was good quality. We ordered the 75 cl lazy dazy(early grey) which comes in a glass tea can, it was quite nice. Tea comes with rock candy. For 3 croissants, 2 portions of butter & jam, 1 portion of caramel cake and 75 cl we paid 28 francs.

The food selection you can find in Cakefriends is large I would say. (For german speakers: Here is the menu here is the menu) They have all sorts of normal cakes. On top of that they have muffins,tarts,cakes with cream, quiches, salads, sandwiches, even a daily soup. Most of the stuff is good and price is reasonable for Zurich. The place is quite popular, on weekends you might have difficult time finding a free table.

 My personal favorite food in this place is the latte machiato muffin. If you are close to Bellevue/Niederdorf Zurich, go visit this place, you will probably like it.

Cake Friends
Torgasse 3
8001 Zürich
044 262 28 08

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